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*your name goes here*

Imagine you are at a party and the DJ does not play your jam?! What the....?? 


Imagine this instead. What if you get to be the DJ along with all your friends? Hmmm that's starting to sound MUCH better! 


Imagine this: You and your friends compete against one another for the prize of being the best DJ of the night - and guess what? Your friends get to vote for their favourite DJ.


Don't want to DJ? You could also opt to be the VJ or take part in a dance off or a rap battle. There are prizes for these categories too! Or you can even opt to just be part of the audience.


Imagine that at your party you get to play ALL the songs you want to hear, when you want to hear them for you and your friends listening pleasure! 


Imagine no more!


SuperStars Parties is proud to introduce an amazing concept designed especially for teens and tweens from the age of 11 and up.


Over the years of entertainimg at your parties, we've come to get to know what you want. We've listened and now we are proud to be the first to bring this cool new form of entertainment to you.   


The best part is you get to interact with your friends in your favourite way, through music, social networking, mobile devices and of course just hanging out with each other!




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